Tragic News from Uvalde, Texas | Manny Cantor Center
MCC Fitness will be running on a limited schedule of 9 am to 5 pm on Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. There will be no classes on this day. All other MCC programs will be closed.

MCC News & Updates

Tragic News from Uvalde, Texas

Dropping my young daughter off at school today was challenging in the wake of the devastating shooting in Uvalde, Texas. I was aware of holding her hand a little tighter than normal and I wondered if she could feel that my level of anxiety was raised. When it was time for her to go into her classroom, she held her hopeful face up and said, “Bye, Mama.” Seeing my child’s face always makes me happy but I also realized that there was a torrent of other emotions that were swirling around inside of me: tension, a sense of helplessness, stress, and genuine fear of both the known and the unknown. I am certain that this morning I am not the only person confronting these feelings as I imagine what this morning must have felt like for the families of those children at Robb Elementary School.

This morning I felt a degree of comfort in knowing that I was headed to the work at the Family Resource Center @ MCC (FRC) to be with colleagues and families in a supportive space. In times of crisis, it can be helpful to know that you belong to a community that can lend an ear. The Family Resource Center is a community of helpers –– trained counselors. If you find yourself feeling some of the same emotions that I experienced this morning or other feelings that are unsettling to you, I invite you to reach out to your community for help.

Please contact the FRC directly at 646-395-4246 to reach a Social Worker or feel free to walk in for support. We are located in the Manny Cantor Center at 197 East Broadway on the 1R level. All services are completely confidential, free of charge, and available in English, Spanish, and Mandarin.

All are welcome.

Jasmine Palmer

Senior Director, Social Work Services and Family Resource Center


Dejar mi hija pequeña en la escuela hoy fue un desafío a raíz del devastador tiroteo en Uvalde, Texas. Me di cuenta de que sostenía su mano un poco más fuerte de lo normal y me preguntaba si podía sentir que mi nivel de ansiedad había aumentado. Cuando llegó el momento de entrar a su salón de clases, levantó su rostro esperanzado y dijo: “Adiós, mamá”. Ver la cara de mi hija siempre me hace feliz, pero también me di cuenta de que había un torrente de otras emociones que se arremolinaban dentro de mí: tensión, una sensación de impotencia, estrés y miedo genuino tanto a lo conocido como a lo desconocido. Estoy segura de que esta mañana no soy la única persona que se enfrenta a estos sentimientos, me imagino lo que debían haber sentido los familiares de esos niños en la Escuela Primaria Robb esta mañana.

Esta mañana sentí un cierto grado de consuelo al saber que me dirigía al trabajo en el Centro de Recursos Familiares @ MCC (FRC) para estar con colegas y familias en un espacio de apoyo. En tiempos de crisis, puede ser útil saber que usted pertenece a una comunidad que puede prestar oído. El Centro de Recursos Familiares es una comunidad de ayudantes — consejeros capacitados. Si te encuentras sintiendo algunas de las mismas emociones que experimenté esta mañana u otros sentimientos que te inquietan, te invito a que te acerques a tu comunidad en busca de ayuda.

Comuníquese con el FRC directamente al 646-395-4246 para comunicarse con un trabajador social o siéntase libre de entrar en persona para obtener apoyo. Estamos ubicados en el Manny Cantor Center en 197 East Broadway en el nivel 1R. Todos los servicios son completamente confidenciales, gratuitos y están disponibles en inglés, español y mandarín.

Todos son bienvenidos.

Jasmine Palmer

Senior Director, Social Work Services and Family Resource Center


在得克萨斯州乌瓦尔德发生毁灭性的枪击事件后,我觉得今天送我年幼的女儿上学时格外艰难。我意识到握着她的手比平时更紧,我想知道她是否能感觉到我的焦虑。到了该进教室的时间了,她抬起满怀希望的脸说:“再见,妈妈。” 看到孩子的脸总是让我很开心,但我也意识到,我内心还有许多其他情绪在盘旋:紧张、无助感、压力,以及对已知和未知的真正恐惧。我敢肯定,今天早上我不是唯一一个面对这些感受的人,因为我想象着今天早上罗伯小学那些孩子的家人的感受。

请直接致电 646-395-4246 联系 FRC的社工,或随时前来寻求支持。我们位于曼尼康托中心的1R层,地址是197 East Broadway。所有服务都是完全保密的、免费的,并提供英语、西班牙语和普通话语言服务。
Jasmine Palmer



Become an Advocate: Gun Violence Awareness Events and Campaigns

When: Friday, June 3, 1:00 PM What: nyc student walkout

Where: Union Square

New York City student walkout on June 3rd, meet up at Union Square and wear orange! All are welcome and encouraged to join.


When: Saturday, June 4, 12:00 PM What: ny-nyc-walk in solidarity with survivors

Where: Foley Square, 148 -152 WORTH St

Please join our Moms Demand NYC Team as we commemorate Wear Orange with our Annual Walk in Solidarity with Survivors. on Sat. June, 4th at 12pm. We’ll gather for a rally, hear from inspiring speakers and enjoy musical entertainment. Our afternoon culminates in our walk across the Brooklyn Bridge as we all honor our survivors and commit to end gun violence in our communities. See you at Foley Square. Wear your orange


When: Friday, June 3, 5:00 PM what: ny-nyc-uptown gun violence prevention taskforce wear orange vigil

Where: Inwood Hill Park (Dyckman Fields) / Payson Avenue & Seaman Ave / New York, NY 10034

Uptown Gun Violence Prevention Taskforce will be hosting a vigil and evening of action at Inwood Hill Park Dyckman Fields. Please Wear Orange to bring awareness to gun violence.


Not able to attend? Join the American Federation of Teachers in writing letters to our elected leaders by visiting their website here.