Co-op Village NORC | Educational Alliance

Educational Alliance’s Co-op Village Naturally Occurring Retirement Community (NORC) located at 465 Grand Street is a social service program for adults over 60 residing in the East River, Seward Park and Hillman Co-ops. The NORC, in conjunction with our partners, assists older adults to successfully “age in place” by providing responsive social work and nursing support services as well as opportunities to engage in dynamic educational, social, and arts related programming.
Our Core Services Include:
- Case Management
- Mental Health Clinical Services
- Social Work/Nursing Services
- Arts/Social/Cultural Programming
- Recreational/Fitness Programming
Please feel free to contact us. We are here to support you in any way we can!
Contact Us
(646) 395-4510
Christine Dey
Director of Co-op Village NORC
Phone: (646) 395-4505
Email: [email protected]
Kendall Hamid
Coordinator of Group Programs
Phone: (646) 395-4508
Email: [email protected]