Commit to Yourself This January - MCC Fitness | MCC NYC
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Commit to Yourself This January with MCC Fitness

This January, we are excited to announce a series of weekend specialty classes in our Fitness Center! These classes are designed for members of all fitness levels to strengthen their understanding, start and new fitness routine, or go deeper into their practice. Start 2019 on the right foot with workshops with star instructors Siewli, Swarali, Michelle, and Jan.

Not a member yet? Visit our membership page to learn more about signing up in January for our lowest price ever!

Restorative R&R For the New Year: Rolling and Self Massage Workshop
Date: Saturday, January 5th |12:15 – 1:45 PM
Instructor: Siewli Stark

Start the new year by rolling tension out of your body, rejuvenating your hard-working muscles, and restoring your nervous system with this specialty class! Participants will be gently guided to work out those everyday aches and pains and find ease and freedom using Yoga Tune Up® therapy balls and techniques. This class will leave you feeling ready to tackle 2019!

Date: Sunday, January 13 | 12:15 – 1:45 PM
Instructor: Swarali Karulkar

An energetic and fun cardio-based dance workout that perfectly blends strength training with groovy dance moves. Revitalize your soul with the best of Bollywood music, latest dance moves, and new, challenging choreography! This class also features partner and group work, changing formations, and improvisation to keep you on your toes.

Strength Training 101
Date: Sunday, January 20th | 12:15 – 1:45 PM
Instructor: Michelle Sholtis

Ever been intimidated by the words “strength training”? This workshop will highlight the importance of strength training for health and athleticism. We’ll explore the benefits of  heavy and light weights, and learn how to use different equipment to mix up your workouts and keep challenging yourself!

Introduction to Push Hands
Date: Saturday, January 26th | 12:15 – 1:45 PM
Instructor: Jan Lucanus

For the first time, US Tai Chi Push Hands Team captain Jan Lucanus will share foundational exercises in the art of Push Hands (aka Tuishou), including rare Ta Lu (walking & kicking) routines that strengthen balance, posture, and increased range of motion.  Beginners, experts, martial artists, yogis and happy people welcome.