Early Childhood at Manny Cantor Center

Our Vision
Early Childhood at Manny Cantor Center is an inspired, responsive and progressive school built on the following principles: all children are competent, capable, and curious; all families have something to contribute; we are stronger together. We believe that universal education is necessary for equal citizenship. Our school incorporates Head Start, Early Head Start, Universal Pre-K and tuition funding to serve all families on the Lower East Side and beyond.
Our teachers create safe, joyful and nurturing learning environments that foster inquiry, exploration and reflection, and work collaboratively with children to co-construct a curriculum that draws inspiration from children’s interests and the world around us. Families are our partners, joining together with children and teachers to create a seamless connection between home and school.
We follow an emergent, project-based curriculum inspired by progressive schools around the world. We know that children learn best when engaged in work that is meaningful, ongoing, and authentic to their interests and values.
We see our teachers as facilitators of children’s learning. When we recognize the incredible capabilities of young children, we realize that they come to school with real interests, knowledge and questions about their environment. We see that they form tenable theories about how the world works and test them through exploration and play. They build relationships that are deep, nourishing and enduring.
We see families as partners, advocates, and as children’s first and most important teachers. We communicate with families at drop off and pick up, through documentation, newsletters and emails, and at regular parent/teacher conferences. Our teachers strive to keep lines of communication open and are available for meetings and check-ins throughout the year as needed.
Programs Include:
Infants and Toddlers
Two’s and Three’s
If you’d like more information about which program is right for you, please email us at [email protected] or call (646) 395-4237.
Manny Cantor中心的早期幼儿教育是一所具启发性,回响性和不断进步的学校,其建立基于以下原则:所有家庭都有贡献;我们在一起变得更强大。我们认为,普及教育是实现平等公民身份所
如果您想了解更多关于适合您的课程的信息,请给我们发送电子邮件至[email protected]或致电(646)395-4220.
Early Childhood @ MCC Inquiry Form
Please fill out the form below, and someone will reach out to you about applying to our school.
Manny Cantor Center is grateful for the generous support of the Jewish Communal Fund as the founding donor of the Jewish Day Care initiative, with a gift made through UJA-Federation of New York, and for the JCF’s support in piloting this new model of family engagement.