UPK – Frequently Asked Questions

What is the program schedule? / 課程的時間表為?

Standard program schedules is Monday through Friday, 8:40am-3pm. We also have limited spaces available in our early drop-off (at 8:15am) and extended day (until 6pm) programs.


What is the child / teacher ratio? / 老師與學生之比例為何?

Our classrooms have 18-20 children, and 3 teachers. We also have a floating teacher on staff, who assists in all of the classrooms throughout the week.


What is your school philosophy? / 學校的哲學為何?

UPK at MCC follows an emergent, project-based curriculum inspired by progressive schools around the world. We know that children learn best when engaged in work that is meaningful, ongoing and authentic to their interests and values. Our teachers create classroom environments that are beautiful, responsive and full of possibilities, then observe children closely to plan experiences and ongoing projects to extend children’s meaning making.

受到世界各地具發展性的學校所啟發,於MCC的UPK (全面學前班)之課程規劃著重於培養孩子的創造力以及提供專題式的學習模式,因為我們相信當孩子們投入學習的項目是他們有興趣、真實且具關聯性的事物,孩子們將會有最好的學習表現;因此,我們的教師致力於打造舒適、充滿可能性及注重孩子們反饋的課堂環境,且用心觀察孩子們的興趣及喜好以作為規劃日後的課程安排的基石,並由此強化孩子本身與課程內容的相關性。

What is the role of the teacher in your classrooms? / 老師在課堂上扮演著什麼樣的角色?

We see our teachers as facilitators of children’s learning. When we recognize the incredible capabilities of young children, we realize that they come to school with real interests, knowledge and questions about their environment. We see that they form tenable theories about how the world works and test them through exploration and play. They build relationships that are deep, nourishing and enduring. We start to observe, listen and document more, eager to hear what the children are telling us. We ask more questions than we answer. If we’re successful, we begin to learn alongside the children.


What is the role of families in the school? / 家庭在我們學校扮演著什麼樣的角色?

We see families as our partners, joining together with the children and teachers to create a seamless connection between home and school. We communicate with teachers at drop off and pick up, through documentation, newsletters and emails, and at regular parent/teacher conferences. Our teachers strive to keep lines of communication open and are available for meetings and check-ins throughout the year as needed.


Who are your teachers? / 誰是您孩子的老師?

Our teachers are highly trained, and have many years of experience in the field and/or advanced degrees in Early Childhood Education.


I have more questions. How can I find out additional information? / 我還有疑問。我該如何獲取更多相關信息?

Our email address is [email protected]

我們的電郵地址為:[email protected]@mannycantor.org

Contact Us

[email protected] or at (646) 395-4253

Manny Cantor Center is grateful for the generous support of the Jewish Communal Fund as the founding donor of the Jewish Day Care initiative, with a gift made through UJA-Federation of New York, and for the JCF’s support in piloting this new model of family engagement.

Jewish Communal Fund Logo

Want to learn more about our family offerings? Check out our Parenting Center!