Manny Cantor Center Celebrates Volunteer Appreciation Week!

MCC News & Updates

MCC Celebrates Volunteer Appreciation Week

Since More Hands More Hearts’ inception in 2015, we have had over 900 volunteers perform over 33,000 hours of service, translating to over 910,000 of donated time. Volunteers help our programs run and enable our community to grow and prosper. They give of themselves every day, donating time and support and sharing their expertise with others. With the help of our volunteers we are able to offer critical services and programs to more than 1,500 people every day, including meals for the elderly, mentoring for teens, language and workforce training, cultural events, and more. 

Our volunteers form lasting bonds with Manny Cantor Center and with the people they give their time to daily. Which is why, in honor of Volunteer Appreciation Week, we wanted to give back to our volunteers in whatever small way we could. On April 26, we threw our volunteers a Planting Party in our community garden, setting up a “volunteer corner,” where they planted beautiful yellow and orange marigolds. With this gesture, our volunteers were able to plant their roots in our community– which grows thanks to them. 

Watch our volunteer appreciation video below and learn more about how you can volunteer at Manny Cantor Center.

More Hands, More Hearts is made possible by a generous grant from the UJA-Federation of NY.
Learn more about UJA’s Time for Good volunteer initiative here.