Xiomara (SEE-oh-MAH-RAH) Maldonado is best known for her unabated love of her native Lower East Side, her penchant for poetry, and her energetic presence, which is often revealed by her recognizable laugh. During her free time, she loves to read books, eat delicious food, and play board games with her husband and two children. The daughter of Nuyorican parents, Xiomara graduated from Barnard College-Columbia University and has dedicated her life to pursuing social justice through a career in nonprofits. As a child, Xiomara practiced martials arts and created ceramics at Educational Alliance and, many years later, gladly enrolled her youngest child in its early childhood program. Inspired by the dedication and compassion of the agency’s employees, she accepted a position at the Weinberg Center for Balanced Living in 2013 and then transitioned to the Sirovich Center for Balanced Living, where she has enthusiastically led its innovative programming and important advocacy efforts for the past six years. “I am so excited to return to the Manny Cantor Center as the Senior Director of Older Adult Programs,” she says. “In spite of the challenges wrought by the pandemic, I believe that we can move into the future with joy, creativity, and hope. I look forward to connecting with you!”
Xiomara Maldonado