News & Updates | Manny Cantor Center - NYC Community Center

MCC News & Updates

Educational Alliance mourns the death of Janet Weinberg

A Message from Alan van Capelle President and CEO, Educational Alliance Educational Alliance mourns the death of Janet Weinberg on September 1, 2018. Over the course of her life, Janet dedicated herself to improving the lives of others through her work in the fields of healthcare and social services. All…...

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Introducing our Studio Manager and Instructor Evan Hagan

Evan Hagan always knew that he wanted to be an artist. He began drawing at an early age, producing graphic novels and comics in his free time as a kid growing up in Peoria, Illinois. He continued to explore illustrating and drawing, and found a passion for ceramics when he…...

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Volunteer Spotlight: Jania

Meet Jania. She is a member of MCC’s Edgies Teen Center and lives nearby. She’s decided to spend her summer volunteering in one of our Early Childhood Classroom’s, and quickly was loved by both the students and teachers. Jania has volunteered 100+ hours this summer. Read about the experience in…...

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Rabbi Joanna Samuels Speaks at the Capitol Building

On Tuesday, I was honored to participate in a press conference at our nation’s Capitol.  It was called by Senators Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, and Bernie Sanders, as well as the Reverend Dr. William Barber III (founder of the Poor People’s Campaign) in order to highlight voices of faith leaders…...

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Community Artist Spotlight: Painter and Printmaker Penny Sidi

Penny Sidi has been an art student at Educational Alliance Art School for over three years. She has taken a variety of art classes including printmaking, and both oil and acrylic painting. She is one of the artists from our community being featured in the 14Y Artists Group Show that…...

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