Educational Alliance Preschool Summer Session gives children ages 2-5 an engaging and enriching way to spend summer in the Lower East Side. Our nurturing, experienced teachers build an active exploration-based summer camp-style program, drawing inspiration from the interests of the children, our diverse neighborhood, and universally relevant Jewish values and…...
New York Magazine Introduces Immigrant Comic Series Featuring Manny Cantor Center!
New York Magazine introduces new column “The Golden Door,” by artist Ali Fitzgerald that tells the stories of members of New York City’s immigrant community interviewed right here at Manny Cantor Center. The first comic tells the story of Weinberg Center members Gene and Lolita. Read their story here. ...
MCC Celebrates Volunteer Appreciation Week
Since More Hands More Hearts’ inception in 2015, we have had over 900 volunteers perform over 33,000 hours of service, translating to over 910,000 of donated time. Volunteers help our programs run and enable our community to grow and prosper. They give of themselves every day, donating time and support…...
Meet MCC: Manny Cantor, The Founder of Our Immigrant Story
From the opening of Ellis Island 125 years ago to the welcoming beacon of the Statue of Liberty, New York has always had a rich and strong history of immigration. Today, 60% of New Yorkers are immigrants or children of immigrants, including Educational Alliance Board of Trustee member Richard Cantor,…...